Graduate recruitment could fall by as much as 50% by 2020 as technology removes the need for entry level jobs, according to the Financial Times. The ‘big four’ accountancy firms, E&Y, Deloitte, PwC and KPMG are automating entry level jobs that would typically be carried out by graduates, suggesting that artificial intelligence may spell the end of graduate recruitment. But for many employers, this is just one of several challenges related to graduates and their employability.
Does AI Mean The End Of Graduate Recruitment?
Topics: graduate recruitment
Real Life Lessons About Talent Acquisition HR Can't Ignore
In an ideal world, HR has unlimited access to an engaged talent pool of qualified candidates just waiting to apply to your next vacancy. As most employers know, however, life isn’t like that. Recognising the realities of the lives of today’s professionals impacts your ability to tap into elusive talent in areas where skills are in short supply. Here are five ‘real life’ lessons affecting your talent acquisition success which HR can't ignore:-
Topics: HR software
Friday 20th May - Recruitment Roundup
Your weekly dose of news and blog highlights condensed to a few links. Read on for interesting topics regarding recruiting, technology and other random subjects.
Topics: recruitment-roundup
6 Things To Wave Goodbye To When You Invest In HR Software
Employers who are serious about hiring the best talent invest in technology but, as we often observe on this blog, too many businesses still rely on manual systems. Recruitment software helps your business to eliminate basic problems in hiring - say hello to HR software, wave goodbye to the following obstacles to successful talent acquisition:-
Topics: HR software
The Gig Economy : Effective Hiring In A Transitional Jobs Market
The gig economy is here to stay. The Wall Street Journal revealed that 90% of contingent workers never return to full-time work. By 2020, it is forecast to be worth £2 billion to the UK market and over $60 billion globally.
Topics: industry-article
Friday 13th May 2016 - Recruitment Roundup
Your weekly dose of news and blog highlights condensed to a few links. Read on for interesting topics regarding recruiting, technology and other random subjects.
Topics: recruitment-roundup
Talent Acquisition - A Simple Definition
Talent acquisition encompasses several elements such as focusing on hiring the people that will help you to achieve business goals and contribute towards creating a working environment where employees thrive. It’s also about ensuring a positive experience for every candidate who applies for a vacancy with your company. But ultimately, talent acquisition comes down to one simple definition – communication.
Topics: HR software
5 Essential Lessons HR Can Learn From Leicester City
Last week saw the release of the CIPD’s Employee Outlook Spring 2016 which found that job satisfaction in the UK is at its lowest level for over two years, with nearly a quarter of employees looking for a new job.
Topics: Rants
Friday 6th May 2016 - Recruitment Roundup
Your weekly dose of news and blog highlights condensed to a few links. Read on for interesting topics regarding recruiting, technology and other random subjects.
Topics: recruitment-roundup
Before You Post That Job Advert, Here's What You Should Know
Indeed was recently confirmed as the leading source of external hires for the fifth consecutive year. With 16 billion job posts and 8.2 jobs posted per second on the site, here’s what you need to know before you post your next job advert:-
Topics: talent engagement