If your hiring process is hampered by a lack lustre talent pipeline and a steady drop-off of candidates, it needs an overhaul. Pay attention to what your candidates want and stop doing these six things now to improve your talent acquisition success:-
Posting vague job adverts : Attention grabbing job titles that bear no resemblance to the job description, an absence of salary details and job posts that provide little or no information about career development and flexible working will contribute to your growing candidate drop-off rates. Today’s job seekers prioritise job security and flexible working and will check your company out online to verify your claims about career prospects and company culture. An analysis of your most successful job posts will help your business to align your future vacancies with the expectations of your talent pool.
Making it difficult to apply : Talent clicking onto your job posts expect a seamless transition through to your careers site and a swift application process. A careers page that bears no resemblance to your brand and is difficult to navigate will deter talent, especially when coupled with an application process that requires the completion of numerous online forms. One third of job seekers won’t spend more than 15 minutes filling out a job application. Hold on to the attention of passing talent by allowing candidates to apply for your vacancies using their CV or LinkedIn profile or complete a straightforward registration of interest.
Failing to prepare for interview : You expect all of your candidates to attend their interview having researched your company and prepared thoroughly yet only one third of hiring managers are engaged in the hiring process. A poor experience during interview almost guarantees a rejected job offer. Familiarise yourself with the job description and prepare questions for each individual based on the information gathered during the screening process. Focus your attention on the candidate and avoid sending e-mails or taking calls during an interview.
Ghosting talent : The practice of ghosting candidates – cutting off all contact without explanation during the hiring process and often after an interview – is damaging and unnecessary. A survey carried out last year found that nearly half of all job applicants have been ghosted after being given initial ‘false hope’ regarding their application. Ghosting was also partly blamed for the 3 million employees who had in turn ‘ghosted’ their employer, ie, left their job by simply not turning up to work. Automate personalised messages through your recruitment software to update job applicants on their progress and consider providing more detailed feedback to unsuccessful candidates attending interview.
Taking too long to make a decision : Qualified candidates are only on the market for ten days. If your hiring process is efficient enough to capture the attention of talent and conduct an effective interview, making a prompt decision on candidate selection is the final vital step. A delay reflects badly on your organisation. Enhance your chances of a job offer acceptance through collaboration and rapid sharing of key information through your recruitment software. Then make that job offer within 24 hours.
Overselling the job : Failed hires are a serious problem for HR and with the news that half of employees want to leave their jobs in the next 12 months[1], reducing the level of bad hires in your business must be a priority. Creating unrealistic expectations of career prospects, painting a picture of a culture that doesn’t exist and misleading candidates over the challenges they will face in their new job are just some of the reasons that your new hire doesn’t work out. Offer transparency in the recruitment process and communicate regularly during onboarding to ensure the reality of working for your business matches the expectations of your new employee.
Start doing more of the things your candidates want. Support your hiring process with Advorto’s world class recruitment software. Start your 30 day free trial today
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Image : 123rf.com/profile_amasterpics123
[1] Source : http://recruitmentbuzz.co.uk/half-brits-looking-leave-current-job/